Interviews and Lectures
“Al-imam” documentary trailer
Common Good Faith
OIBI Conference at Oxford University
Celebration of Life Opening Remarks - honoring Human Rights Defenders
Far Right Christians, Far Right Muslims…Joining Forces?
Edip Yuksel , Edip Yuksel (E) Ani Zonneveld at Oxford
A Moderate Muslim Speaks Out (Interview w/ Cenk Uygur)
TED Talk, Islam: As American As Apple Pie
ISLAM XXI, Conférence de Paris 2022 - Palais de l'Unesco
“Why Progressive Islam?” at the Human Rights Council at the United Nations Geneva
“The Essence of Religion”
TRT World Interview with on the American election
“Be Yourself. Be Muslim" at Harvard University
Progressive Islam, its Practices and the Movement
It Gets Better
Wael Ibrashi's Dream TV
"What is Progressive Islam and its lived out realities?”
The Fallen State, Muslim Feminist Ani Zonneveld: Islam is 'as American as Apple Pie
ISLAM XXI, Paris 2022 Convention - Unesco Palace
JINS Podcast, Women as Imams
Interview with Safe Hands for Girls
Facebook Studio interview